61 research outputs found

    Automatic Gridding for DNA Microarray Image Using Image Projection Profile

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    DNA microarray is powerful tool and widely used in many areas. DNA microarray is produced from control and test tissue sample cDNAs, which are labeled with two different fluorescent dyes. After hybridization using a laser scanner, microarray images are obtained. Image analysis play an important role in extracting fluorescence intensity from microarray image. First step in microarray image analysis is addressing, that is finding areas in the image on which contain one spot using gird lines. This step can be done by either manually or automatically. In this paper we propose an efficient and simple automatic gridding for microarray image analysis using image projection profile, base on fact that microarray image has local minimum and maximum intensity at background and foreground areas respectively. Grid lines are obtained by finding local minimum of vertical and horizontal projection profile. This algorithm has been implemented in MATLAB and tested with several microarray image


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    Bobot telur memegang peranan penting dalam kalsifikasi telur yang dijual di pasar. Menurut Standar Nasional Indonesia telur ayam konsumsi diklasifikasikan berdasarkan warna kerabang dan bobotnya. Umumnya bobot telur diukur dengan menggunakan timbangan digital untuk memperoleh hasil pengukuran yang akurat. Tetapi penggunaan timbangan ini tidak dapat diterapkan pada sistem klasifikasi telur di industri skala besar karena tidak efisien secara waktu. Sistem visi komputer menawarkan alternatif yang akurat dan efisien untuk mengukur bobot telur dari citra digital. Makalah ini mengusulkan metode untuk mengestimasi bobot telur menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan berdasarkan properti geometri telur yang diekstrak dari citra digital. Citra telur ditangkap dengan latar belakang berwarna hitam menggunakan kamera digital. Citra yang ditangkap kemudian diolah untuk mendapatkan citra biner. Properti geometri telur yang terdiri dari panjang, lebar, luas, dan keliling diekstrak dari objek telur pada citra. Properti geometri ini kemudian digunakan sebagai variabel input jaringan syaraf tiruan untuk mengestimasi bobot telur. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa hasil estimasi bobot telur menggunakan metode yang diusulkan mempunyai akurasi yang baik dengan rata-rata prosentase kesalahan mutlak sebesar 2,27%. Selain itu, hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa hasil estimasi metode yang diusulkan tidak berbeda secara signifikan dengan hasil pengukuran bobot menggunakan timbangan digital. Dari segi waktu, metode yang diusulkan merupakan metode estimasi bobot telur yang efisien dengan rata-rata waktu komputasi yang diperlukan untuk mengestimasi bobot sebutir telur kurang dari 0,1 detik


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    .Citra microarray adalah citra hasil pemindaian laser scanner terhadap microarray yang umumnya digunakan untuk mendeteksi perbedaan efek hibridisasi dari dua kelompok sampel DNA. Citra tersebut kemudian dianalisis untuk mendapatkan intensitas fluorescence setiap titik mikroskopis DNA pada microarray. Salah satu tahapan analisis citra microarray adalah menentukan daerah pada citra microarray yang memuat satu titik mikroskopis DNA. Penentuan daerah ini dapat dilakukan secara manual maupun secara otomatis atau yang dikenal dengan automatic gridding. Beberapa penelitian menggunakan k-mean clustering untuk melakukan automatic gridding, tetapi metode ini membutuhkan waktu komputasi yang cukup lama. Dalam makalah ini akan dipaparkan metode untuk automatic gridding dengan menggunakan image thresholding. Selain itu juga dilakukan simulasi dengan menggunakan MATLAB untuk membandingkan waktu yang diperlukan untuk komputasi automatic gridding dengan image thresholding dan automatic gridding dengan k-mean clustering. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa waktu komputasi automatic gridding dengan image thresholding jauh lebih sedikit di bandingkan dengan automatic gridding dengan k-mean clustering

    A New Framework for Measuring Volume of Axisymmetric Food Products using Computer Vision System Based on Cubic Spline Interpolation

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    Volume is an important factor to determine the external quality of a food product. The volume measurement of food product is not a simple process if it is performed manually. For alternative, several volume measurement methods for food products have been proposed using 2D and 3D computer vision. Disk method and frustum cone method have been applied in many 2D computer visions to approximate the volume of axisymmetric food products. These methods were less in accuracy, since it used piecewise linear function to approximate the boundary of the object. This paper aims to propose a new framework for measuring the volume of axisymmetric food product based on cubic spline interpolation. Cubic spline interpolation is employed to construct a piecewise continuous polynomial of the boundary of object from captured image. The polynomial is then integrated to approximate the volume of the object. The simulation result shows that the proposed framework produced accurate volume measurement result

    Application of Color and Size Measurement in Food Products Inspection

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    Color and size are external aspects considered by consumers in purchasing a food product and are used in food product inspection using computer vision. This paper reviews recent applications of color and size measurement in food product inspection using computer vision. RGB, HSI, HSL, HSV, La*b spaces and color index are widely used to measure color in food product inspection. Color features, including value, mean, variance, and standard deviation of each channel in a color space are widely used in food product inspection. The applications of color measurement in food product inspection are for grading, detection of anomaly or damage, detection of specific content and evaluation of color changes. Length, width, thickness, average radius, Feret’s diameter, area, perimeter, volume, and surface area are common size measurements in food product inspection. The applications of size measurement in food product inspection are for estimating size, sorting, grading, detect unwanted objects or defects, and measurement of physical properties


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    Abstraksi - Website pencarian resep masakan berbahasa Indonesia sudah banyak tetapi banyak yang pencariannya tidak memunculkan resep yang relevan, dapat melakukan plagiasi resep oleh user lain, dan tidak memiliki pengembangan inputan user(query expansion) dimana query expansion dapat membantu user dalam menentukan keyword yang sesuai. Untuk resep yang sama tetapi dipost oleh orang yang berbeda membuat user bingung menentukan resep mana yang bagus. Dibuatnya website pencarian resep masakan menggunakan metode cosine similarity dengan melihat rating resep untuk membuat website pencarian resep masakan yang relevan dengan keyword. Sistem juga memiliki query expansion dengan metode top-k retrieval. User dapat mengubah dan menghapus query expansion bila terdapat query expansion yang salah. Website dapat melakukan post resep dimana user dapat menyimpan resep. Website memiliki beberapa fitur seperti rating resep, report resep, dan komen resep. Admin juga memiliki peran seperti mevalidasi resep bila user melakukan post resep, menghapus resep, memvalidasi query expansion, dan menambah serta menghapus kategori. Uji coba dilakukan dengan menghitung precision, recall, dan f-measure serta waktu pencarian dari hasil pencarian. Uji coba juga dilakukan terhadap nilai precision, recall, dan f-measure sebelum melakukan query expansion serta sesudah melakukan query expansion. Dari uji coba yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pencarian sudah relevan. Kata kunci: website resep masakan, pencarian resep masakan, information retrieval, cosine similarity Abstract – Website for finding food recipe in Indonesian language already many but the search result sometimes not show relevance recipe, can duplicate the recipe, and don’t have query expansion. For the same recipe but different people can make user confused which recipes are good. Making website for finding food recipe using cosine similarity and rating for finding relevant recipes with keyword. System can expand user’s query(query expansion) using top-k retrieval method. User can edit and erase the query expansion if there’s any wrong query expansion. Website have post recipe feature where user can save their recipes. Website has categories too where categories can be add or removed by admin. Website has feature like report recipe, rating recipe, and comment recipe. Admin’s job is to validate user’s recipe, remove recipe from website, validate query expansion, and add and remove categories. Test runs for finding precision, recall, and f-measure and time when searching. Test runs done for finding precision, recall, and f-measure before using query expansion and after using query expansion. From the result of the test, get conclusion that the searching function already relevant. Keywords: food recipe website, finding food recipe, information retrieval, cosine similarity


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    Abstraksi - Website pencarian resep masakan berbahasa Indonesia sudah banyak tetapi banyak yang pencariannya tidak memunculkan resep yang relevan, dapat melakukan plagiasi resep oleh user lain, dan tidak memiliki pengembangan inputan user(query expansion) dimana query expansion dapat membantu user dalam menentukan keyword yang sesuai. Untuk resep yang sama tetapi dipost oleh orang yang berbeda membuat user bingung menentukan resep mana yang bagus. Dibuatnya website pencarian resep masakan menggunakan metode cosine similarity dengan melihat rating resep untuk membuat website pencarian resep masakan yang relevan dengan keyword. Sistem juga memiliki query expansion dengan metode top-k retrieval. User dapat mengubah dan menghapus query expansion bila terdapat query expansion yang salah. Website dapat melakukan post resep dimana user dapat menyimpan resep. Website memiliki beberapa fitur seperti rating resep, report resep, dan komen resep. Admin juga memiliki peran seperti mevalidasi resep bila user melakukan post resep, menghapus resep, memvalidasi query expansion, dan menambah serta menghapus kategori. Uji coba dilakukan dengan menghitung precision, recall, dan f-measure serta waktu pencarian dari hasil pencarian. Uji coba juga dilakukan terhadap nilai precision, recall, dan f-measure sebelum melakukan query expansion serta sesudah melakukan query expansion. Dari uji coba yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pencarian sudah relevan. Kata kunci: website resep masakan, pencarian resep masakan, information retrieval, cosine similarity Abstract – Website for finding food recipe in Indonesian language already many but the search result sometimes not show relevance recipe, can duplicate the recipe, and don’t have query expansion. For the same recipe but different people can make user confused which recipes are good. Making website for finding food recipe using cosine similarity and rating for finding relevant recipes with keyword. System can expand user’s query(query expansion) using top-k retrieval method. User can edit and erase the query expansion if there’s any wrong query expansion. Website have post recipe feature where user can save their recipes. Website has categories too where categories can be add or removed by admin. Website has feature like report recipe, rating recipe, and comment recipe. Admin’s job is to validate user’s recipe, remove recipe from website, validate query expansion, and add and remove categories. Test runs for finding precision, recall, and f-measure and time when searching. Test runs done for finding precision, recall, and f-measure before using query expansion and after using query expansion. From the result of the test, get conclusion that the searching function already relevant. Keywords: food recipe website, finding food recipe, information retrieval, cosine similarity

    Computer vision system for egg volume prediction using backpropagation neural network

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    Volume is one of considered aspects in egg sorting process. A rapid and accurate volume measurement method is needed to develop an egg sorting system. Computer vision system (CVS) provides a promising solution for volume measurement problem. Artificial neural network (ANN) has been used to predict the volume of egg in several CVSs. However, volume prediction from ANN could have less accuracy due to inappropriate input features or inappropriate ANN structure. This paper proposes a CVS for predicting the volume of egg using ANN. The CVS acquired an image of egg from top view and then processed the image to extract its 1D and 2 D size features. The features were used as input for ANN in predicting the volume of egg. The experiment results show that the proposed CSV can predict the volume of egg with a good accuracy and less computation time


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    Abstraksi - Website pencarian resep masakan berbahasa Indonesia sudah banyak tetapi banyak yang pencariannya tidak memunculkan resep yang relevan, dapat melakukan plagiasi resep oleh user lain, dan tidak memiliki pengembangan inputan user(query expansion) dimana query expansion dapat membantu user dalam menentukan keyword yang sesuai. Untuk resep yang sama tetapi dipost oleh orang yang berbeda membuat user bingung menentukan resep mana yang bagus. Dibuatnya website pencarian resep masakan menggunakan metode cosine similarity dengan melihat rating resep untuk membuat website pencarian resep masakan yang relevan dengan keyword. Sistem juga memiliki query expansion dengan metode top-k retrieval. User dapat mengubah dan menghapus query expansion bila terdapat query expansion yang salah. Website dapat melakukan post resep dimana user dapat menyimpan resep. Website memiliki beberapa fitur seperti rating resep, report resep, dan komen resep. Admin juga memiliki peran seperti mevalidasi resep bila user melakukan post resep, menghapus resep, memvalidasi query expansion, dan menambah serta menghapus kategori. Uji coba dilakukan dengan menghitung precision, recall, dan f-measure serta waktu pencarian dari hasil pencarian. Uji coba juga dilakukan terhadap nilai precision, recall, dan f-measure sebelum melakukan query expansion serta sesudah melakukan query expansion. Dari uji coba yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pencarian sudah relevan. Kata kunci: website resep masakan, pencarian resep masakan, information retrieval, cosine similarity Abstract – Website for finding food recipe in Indonesian language already many but the search result sometimes not show relevance recipe, can duplicate the recipe, and don’t have query expansion. For the same recipe but different people can make user confused which recipes are good. Making website for finding food recipe using cosine similarity and rating for finding relevant recipes with keyword. System can expand user’s query(query expansion) using top-k retrieval method. User can edit and erase the query expansion if there’s any wrong query expansion. Website have post recipe feature where user can save their recipes. Website has categories too where categories can be add or removed by admin. Website has feature like report recipe, rating recipe, and comment recipe. Admin’s job is to validate user’s recipe, remove recipe from website, validate query expansion, and add and remove categories. Test runs for finding precision, recall, and f-measure and time when searching. Test runs done for finding precision, recall, and f-measure before using query expansion and after using query expansion. From the result of the test, get conclusion that the searching function already relevant. Keywords: food recipe website, finding food recipe, information retrieval, cosine similarity

    Image based indonesian fruit recognition using MPEG-7 color structure descriptor and k-nearest neighbor

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    Image based fruit recognition can be applied in several sectors including food industry, food retail, and medical. This paper proposes a method to recognize Indonesian fruit from image. The method uses MPEG-7 Color Structure Descriptor (CSD) as input features to k-nearest neighbor classifier. CSD describes the local color structure of image in HMMD (Hue, Max, Min, and Difference) color space. In this study, the numbers of features extracted from a fruit image were 32, 64, 128, and 256. A simple feature selection method based on variance has been applied to reduce the dimension of input features and to increase classification performance. A feature with variance less than predefined threshold was excluded from feature space. Three hundred and fifty images from seven types of Indonesian fruit have been used to validate the proposed method using 10-fold cross validation. The experimental result showed that the best classification accuracy of 90.86% was achieved using 256 features of CSD combined with feature selection
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